Healing Waters: How Baths Boost Your Health

written by Isabella Minnis

Did you know that daily baths can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke?  

According to a New York Times article, “Taking Baths May Be Good for Your Heart,” scientists found that compared with people who took baths less than twice a week, those who took baths three to four times had a 25 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 13 percent lower risk of stroke. Daily bathers had a 35 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 23 percent lower risk of stroke.

Adding Epsom salts (a chemical compound of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen) to your bath water can help soothe sore muscles, decrease inflammation, and even lower blood pressure.

Taking baths can be a time for relaxation. When taking a bath, you can always take this time to drink some chamomile tea, write in a journal or even listen to soothing music to further your tranquil experience.